I’ve got great hopes for 2020 and a new decade. A lot happened to me in the last decade and a lot of it was tough to get through so I’m hoping for an easier time ahead. Well, I can wish!
The good parts of the last decade were the writing successes – completing three novels and starting a fourth, winning the Elizabeth Goudge award at the RNA conference, talking to people who enjoy reading and making such good author friends from all over the world. An additional three grandchildren to join the family and a little dog to run on the beach with me were blessings to enjoy.
Award winning kicks
The bad parts of the decade were cancer treatment and surgery twice within three years, fractured pelvis, two hip replacements and carpal tunnel surgery. Amazingly, I’m still alive and kicking and I’ll be happy to avoid further work even if offered a face lift for free!
To start thIs new decade, himself and myself will be moving half a mile and will be even nearer that beautiful coastline that you can see at the top of the page. A beach walk with Oscar is great for sorting out tricky characters and their tangled lives. After three months of renting, the move to our dream home next week will be extra sweet.
This pit village below is typical of a Northumbrian mining community in the 1940s The mining took place right in the middle of farmland and countryside
Lynwood Colliery Rows
This photo brings me to my book news – I’m really excited about it! I’m writing a family saga in two parts and I’m halfway through the second part. My aim is to get it completed by summer and publish them both later in the year.
The photos below tell more about the setting.